Adam Graf
Adam is a really open minded and collaborative DoP where feelings come first. Wether it’s supporting and pushing the emotion of the image and the story or supporting each other emotionally during the process, he really see’s filmmaking as a collaborative experience. By staying open to what is happening around him, he enables himself to create images that let the viewer share his experience and let them feel each frame.
Having years of experience in Lighting, Color Grading and Camera Work, Adam can let go of the technical side and think about the images in a more artistic way. In order for him to successfully encourage this process, Adam swears by precise preparation, a lot of talking and exchanging ideas beforehand, an exact knowledge of the given „toolbox“ and a close collaboration with the whole crew to make the images as good as possible.
Born in Austria and now living in Berlin, Adam has learned his craft not only in various positions on set, but also refined his skills at the prestigious Konrad Wolf Academy of Film and Television in Babelsberg, studying cinematography. He was awarded the Young Cinematography Encouragement Award from Silbersalz, Kodak & Vantage for his work on the short film The Taster. The film was shot on 35mm and won the BAFTA Student Award for Best Live Action Short Film 2023 in Los Angeles.
His cinematography feature film debut „Another German Tank Story“ premiered in 2024 at the Shanghai Film Festival and at the Filmfest München.